what is corona virus ,warning ,preacutions about corona virus
What is the coronavirus?
Coronaviruses are mainly a "group of viruses" that causes diseases to mammals and birds. In humans, it can be respiratory tract infections which include the common cold and in fewer cases SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome), MARS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) and COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019). In chicken, it causes upper respiratory disease, while in other animals such as cows and pigs, it causes severe diarrhea.
The very first discovery of the coronavirus took place in 1960. The early discovered was an infectious bronchitis virus which was found in chicken’s respiratory tract and then later in 1963 two more cases were discovered from the nasal cavity of humans named As Human Corona Virus 229E and Human Corona Virus OC43 as a result of zoonotic transmission (transmission of disease from animals to humans). Since then the cases have occurred in several other forms in very small numbers. Many shreds of evidence in history state that corona has always spread from an animal to a human, for instance, SARS was transmitted from bat to a human being, MERS which is also called camel flu was transmitted from camel to human, But this time the scientist are having difficulty in identifying the animal responsible for COVID-19.
What happened in China?
It all started in a place called Wuhan, which has a well-known seafood wholesale market, were a large number of people come to sell or buy live seafood; this market is also known for its vast verity of seafood. Initial reports tell us that the people associated with the wholesale business were first infected by zoonotic transmission (transmission of disease from animal to humans) of SARS and MERS. This infection continued on a large scale and covered the whole city. The china government was very cautious in the execution of the following course of action.
- They restricted the movement of 20 million people in the vicinity.
- They imposed masks for all (on the threat of arrest ).
- Within 10 days 1200 beds with individual nurses were arranged.
- All the international flights incoming as well as outgoing were ceased.
- An electronic surveillance machine was assigned to the people associated with health and treatment.
The course of action of China was not only restricted to these steps but many more at various levels. Due to implementations of these steps the report which showed about 2331 cases shrank down to 437 cases within a duration of 2 weeks. The negative aspects of the country are more fatal than the virus which includes the closing of borders with china by country like Russia, Mongolia, Japan, etc. Countries like Australia and Singapore banned Chinese tourists. This coronavirus outbreak has cost $60 Billon and a 1.5% downfall of the GDP of the country. To date, the virus has spread in 24 countries and affected 25579 people, this was enough to implement public health emergency by WHO (world health organization).
What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
· The person affected by corona the virus may experience the following symptoms
- Runny nose
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Fever
- Difficulty in breathing
Some of the severe cases involve Pneumonia and several Organ Failure but in most cases, it does not occur. The coronavirus is very similar to common flu as they are very much similar. The person infected by the coronavirus starts showing the symptoms form 2- 11 days.
How much Danger does coronavirus posses?
According to the recent reports, the number of infected people is 25579 out of which 494 are dead (out of 494 people 77% of the people were old and having a heart or respiratory disease)955 have already recovered from the virus. From this data, the mortality rate turns out to be 1.93% (means, if you are infected there, are 1.93% chances that you will die). According to biology the more contagious the virus is the less is the mortality rate, let us take an example of Ebola which is less contagious but the mortality rate is 70% on the other hand, there is a common cold which is very contagious but it has a mortality rate of 0.01%. In the same manner, several other diseases are shown in the graph below which shows the degree of contagiousness is inversely proportional to the mortality rate.
How does infection happen?
When an infected person coughs or sneezes then tiny droplets come out with a force, these droplets are highly infectious to a normal person, when a normal person comes in contact of droplets or inhales those droplets he is prone to infection. The normal person should always be at a distance of 1 meter from the infected person and advise him to stay home until his recovery. He should also avoid physical contact with infected people.
What are the prevention methods that we should follow?
As the coronavirus is very contagious with no cure till date the following prevention can be very useful
- Wash your hands every 2 hours to avoid germs
- Use hand sanitizers to keep cleanliness
- Do not touch your nose, eyes, mouth frequently
- Avoid close contact
- Whenever you sneeze or cough use tissue
- Do not through the used tissue in open, always throw in the closed dustbin
- Keep you're surrounding clean
- Stay at home, if you are ill
- Do not remain in closed places, allow ventilation of air around you
- Do not eat any street food which is left open
- Avoid eggs and meat as it increases the danger of infection
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