why i always thinks negative over positive
Short answer: Wear a white shirt, you will get the answer.
Long answer: Have you noticed that a single stain on your white shirts ruins the aesthetics of the cloth. Our mind is programmed that way.
A person builds good reputation based on lifetime of novel works but it takes just a single incident to wipe his whole credibility and turn him into a villain.
So I have established the fact that human mind is programmed to focus more on the negatives rather than the positives. Or you might say the negatives have much more impact than the positives. Now let’s try to find out why.
First, we should understand the concept of duality. There will always be two sides of everything just like two sides of a coin. Good and bad, positive and negative, life and death and the list goes on. We as human being are bound to experience this dual nature of our existence.
The existence of death gives meaning to life, darkness to light and negatives to positives. But why people dwell on negatives more rather than the positives. Here comes the concept known as will power.
The will power to control that urge to smoke a cigarette, will power to concentrate a little bit harder or anything else which delays instant gratification and benefits us in longer term. Similarly to steer clear of negative thoughts, we need to train our mind to focus more on the positive emotions rather than the negative ones which takes will power.
So next time you experience negative thoughts, fully understand why are you experiencing such thoughts and write down your thought process and intentionally steer it towards something positive. It will take tremendous amount of effort and will power.
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