best way to study for exam

  1. If you want to shine like a sun, First burn like a sun.” said by Dr. APJ Abdul kalam, Be the hardest worker in the room at what you do. It will definitely pay you off one day.
  2. “Love what you do.” said by Steve Jobs. Find what drives you crazy? what motivates you? what is your passion? That is what shapes you as a person more than anything.
  1. “Beat the sun.” said by Dwayne Johnson. He wakes up around 4 and starts his daily routine. Well actually it works.
  1. “As you think, so shall you become.” said by Bruce Lee. You become what you want and dream of. Either you want to be a doctor, engineer, celebrity, author, director etc. Whatever you think you should be, you will be with dedication, commitment, hard work, discipline & passion.
  1. “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, I’ll spend first four hours sharpening the axe.” said by Abraham Lincoln. Invest in yourself, invest and work hard today, for tomorrow’s success.


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