
Showing posts from 2020

Beginners Eye Makeup Tutorial ||How To Apply Eyeshadow ||How To Do Makeu...


UrbanGabru Insta Glow Fairness Cream with Anti pimple

UrbanGabru Insta Glow Fairness Cream with Anti pimple  WHY INSTA GLOW IS SO EFFECTIVE? POWER OF INSTA GLOW WITH SPF50 here is the link to buy this product =>  buy now (click here ) thanks 

Best night cream for girls and boys

Aroma Magic Vitamin E Night Cream Aromatherapy is the science and art of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants. As a practice, it enhances psychological as well as physical well-being. Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic is the Aromatherapy brand in India. With over 170 signature aromatherapy - based products including skin care, hair care, essential oils and curative oils, we have created a niche in the cosmetics industry. Our range comprises of honest, aromatherapy skin, hair and wellness products, which have been carefully researched and blended to have a positive healing effect on the mind, body and soul.

यू ट्यूब चैनल बनाने से कितना फयदा है ????

                                        यू ट्यूब चैनल बनाने से कितना फयदा है आज मै  आपको यू ट्यूब चैनल के फायदे बताऊंगा की आपको यू ट्यूब से कितना फयदा हो सकता है तो चलिए सुरु करते है || आप यू ट्यूब से पैसे कमा सकते है  यू ट्यूब से आप अपना टैलेंट सभी को दिखा सकते है  यू ट्यूब आपके लिए एक स्टेज की तरह है  यू ट्यूब से आप लोगो को नयी नयी चीजे सीखा सकते है  आप एक स्टार बन सकते है यू ट्यूब दुनिया का  लोग आपको जानने लगेंगे  लोग आपसे मिलने क लिए ेंगे  यही सब फायदे है एक यू ट्यूब चैनल बनाने की क्युकी यह फायदे मंद है तो यह भट सरे लोग अपना टैलेंट दिखते है || 

ब्लॉग्गिंग से लाखो पैसे कैसे कमए ?

ब्लॉग्गिंग से आप भी लाखो रुपए कमा सकते है ,आपको करना कुछ नहीं है बीएस एक टॉपिक लेना है जिसमे आप लिख  ज्यादा से ज्यादा , और अपना अकाउंट ब्लॉगर पे खोल सकते है और भी भट साडी वेबसाइट है जिनपे आप ब्लॉग्गिंग कर  है और महीने क लाखो कमा सकते है और अपने जीवन को बदल सकते है || ब्लॉग लिखते समय ध्यान देने वाली बातें :- आपके  ब्लॉग का जो भी कंटेंट है वो आपका ही होना चाहिए  ब्लॉग को अचे से लिखे  अपने ब्लॉग को लोगो तक भेजे  लोगो को अपने ब्लॉग क बारे में बतये  सोशल मीडिया पे अपना ब्लॉग को शेयर करे  आप ब्लॉग से पैसे कमा सकते है ? आप ब्लॉग से पैसे गूगल अद्सेंसे से कमायेंगे  गूगल अपने एड्स आपकी ब्लॉग पे शो करेगा  आप अपने ब्लॉग पर अपनी खुद की एड्स भी दाल सकते है जैसे की अमेज़न एफिलिएट लिंक्स 

importance of belief

Published in 1905  at the Unity College Magazine, by Walter D. Wintle, called “ Thinking .” If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think you dare not, you don't. If you'd like to win, but you think you can't, It is almost a cinch you won't. If you think you'll lose, you've lost; For out in this world we find Success begins with a person's will It's all in the state of mind. If you think you're outclassed, you are; You've got to think high to rise. You've got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win the prize. Life's battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man; But sooner or later the person who wins Is the one who thinks he can! (Source: Wikipedia) To answer your question, what is the importance of belief? Your belief system is the foundation of who you are, and eventually who you will become. It’s everything! Whether our beliefs originate from personal, cultural, or ...

best way to study for exam

What's the best way to study for an exam? If you want to shine like a sun, First burn like a sun.”  said by  Dr. APJ Abdul kalam , Be the hardest worker in the room at what you do. It will definitely pay you off one day. “Love what you do.”  said by  Steve Jobs . Find what drives you crazy? what motivates you? what is your passion? That is what shapes you as a person more than anything. “Beat the sun.”  said by  Dwayne Johnson . He wakes up around 4 and starts his daily routine. Well actually it works. “As you think, so shall you become.”  said by  Bruce Lee.  You become what you want and dream of. Either you want to be a doctor, engineer, celebrity, author, director etc. Whatever you think you should be, you will be with dedication, commitment, hard work, discipline & passion. “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, I’ll spend first four hours sharpening the axe.”  said by  Abraham Lincoln. ...

why i always thinks negative over positive

Short answer: Wear a white shirt, you will get the answer. Long answer: Have you noticed that a single stain on your white shirts ruins the aesthetics of the cloth. Our mind is programmed that way. A person builds good reputation based on lifetime of novel works but it takes just a single incident to wipe his whole credibility and turn him into a villain. So I have established the fact that human mind is programmed to focus more on the negatives rather than the positives. Or you might say the negatives have much more impact than the positives. Now let’s try to find out why. First, we should understand the concept of duality. There will always be two sides of everything just like two sides of a coin. Good and bad, positive and negative, life and death and the list goes on. We as human being are bound to experience this dual nature of our existence. The existence of death gives meaning to life, darkness to light and negatives to positives. But why people dwell on negatives mo...

best life tips || tips for success

Once, Lord Indra got really upset with the farmers in a particular state and announced - “There will be no rain for 12 years & you won’t be able to produce crops.” Farmers begged Lord Indra for rains, but he said- “Rain will be possible only if Lord Shiva plays his Damru.” However, he secretly requested Lord Shiva not to agree to these farmers & when Farmers reached Lord Shiva he repeated the same thing that he would not play Damru for the next 12 years. Disappointed Farmers decided to wait for 12 years. But there was one farmer, Raghu, who was regularly digging, treating & putting manure in the soil & sowing the seeds even with no crop emerging. He did it for 3 years. All other farmers kept making fund of Raghu and asked him - “ Why are you wasting your time and energy when you know that rains will not come before 12 years? ” Raghu replied “I know that crop won’t come out but I’m doing it as a matter of “ practice ”. After 12 years I do not want to forget t...

self satisfaction || satisfaction || life

Self satisfaction is when you can’t sleep at night. Not because of insomnia but because of your relaxed mind. It’s when you have utilized your time effectively and you feel like appreciating yourself for doing that. It’s when you are just happy and a constant smile is there on your face without any reason. It’s when you enjoy silence around. It’s when you hug your mother, sister or friends without any reason. It’s when you are like “ sabh sahi chal rha hai, future set hai, i am enjoying my life” It’s when you feel confident and proud of yourself. It’s when you appreciate nature and your life. It’s when you don’t think much about your desires, rather feel happy and thankful for what you have. It’s when you want to live in the moment. It’s when you feel like LIFE IS AWESOME. Some examples when i feel self satisfied are like : when i have studied for 6–7 hrs in a day, when i win any competition, when i do something good for anyone, when i don’t use my phone for hours and ...

secret of happiness || the alchemist || paulo choelho

The Secret of Happiness! Is well explained by none other than Great Author 'Paulo Coelho' in his Book 'The Alchemist' my all time favourite. In that he told a very little story about secret of happiness that I'm going to share with you here, This is the story an old king is telling to the Shephard in the book- A certain shopkeeper sent his son to learn about the secret of happiness from the wisest man in the world. The lad wandered through the desert for forty days, and finally came upon a beautiful castle, high atop a mountain. It was there that the wise man lived. “Rather than finding a saintly man, though, our hero, on entering the main room of the castle, saw a hive of activity: tradesmen came and went, people were conversing in the corners, a small orchestra was playing soft music, and there was a table covered with platters of the most delicious food in that part of the world. The wise man conversed with everyone, and the boy had to wait for two...

books must read them || top 10 books for students

1.The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck 2.The Alchemist 3. How To Stop Worrying And Start Living 4.Attitude Is Everything 5.How To Win Friends And Influence People 6. Rich Dad Poor Dad 7.Think And Grow Rich 8.The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari 9.Man's Search For Meaning 10.The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People Hope It will help you! Have a good time. Yeah! At last, Suggest me some books in the comment section, Definetly I would like to read. Thanks!

rules for study || concentration

I will share an important exercise today and I promise this will change your life 360 degrees and give a new perspective of reality if you honestly act on it from this very moment you read it. I did it myself and it benefits me with a far-reaching effect. 360 degrees - (It is used as a metaphor and not literally geometrical meaning. You can consider 180 degrees if you want, what it means is turning your life upside down and better than before. But, even if it is 360 degrees and you are re-aligned with your path, you are stronger and wise than before to decide wisely, because each time you go through a season, you don’t just go through it, you  “grow”  through it) This is not rocket science. It’s just plain and simple logic, some steps to act on with a clear vision and mindset. I want everyone to read this very very carefully and implement it right now. Disclaimer: This may be a bit long answer and you can skip right away if improvement is not your forte. Now, T...