become millionare in one month

Look, start with not setting yourself up for failure.
Are there people who have made a million in a month? Probably. Will you? Maybe but most likely not.
Here's the thing, do you actually need it in a month or do you just want a quick buck with little to no work?
If you give yourself a little more runway, you can make a million. A lot of people set short term targets for things like getting in shape as well, only to end up disappointed because they didn't accomplish the goal in 30 days or 60 days when in reality it would take a year or two to actually pull off the fitness goal.
It's the same with building income or wealth. Cut yourself some slack. Give yourself a bigger runway.
I read a quote the other day from Tony Robbins that went like this:
most people overestimate what can be done in a year and underestimate what can be accomplished in 10 years”
Think about Facebook for a second. 10 years ago it was essentially nothing and now Mark Zuckerberg is a billionaire and many others are millionaires or billionaires because of it.
So if you'll give yourself a 3–10 year runway and dedicate to staying the course with a solid idea and plan, it's very possible to create a million plus.
But you really need to dedicate to something and continue to persist no matter what.
The two paths that I'd recommend are either starting a company that you're passionate about and that truly solves a problem and just knuckling down to build it or start doing real estate deals to buy, fix and sell or hold and build a repeatable model.
If you give yourself a longer runway and forget about the time pressure and just focus on the mission, you may accomplish it in a shorter time than you realize.
The essence of becoming successful is to find a way to help as many people as possible attain what they want and you'll end up attaining what you want.


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